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  • Home : Press Releases : Worcester Adult Education Program and eMarketing4us Collaborate to offer Internet Marketing Courses in Worcester, Massachusetts


Deborah A. Buckley
Phone: +1.978.466-7637

Worcester Adult Education Program and eMarketing4us Collaborate to
offer Internet Marketing Courses in Worcester, Massachusetts

New Self-Paced Educational Platform offers Internet Marketing Training and Services To Adult Learners, Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

LEOMINSTER, MASSACHUSETTS – March 27, 2012 – Worcester Public Schools Nightlife Program – one of the most successful adult enrichment programs in the nation  – and eMarketing4us (eM4us) are collaborating to offer internet and social media marketing courses to Worcester, Massachusetts, New England’s second largest city known for its emphasis on education. The courses offer progressive learning and practical “how-to” steps for growing businesses online.

The goal of the collaboration is to grow the community’s skill development and to help adult learners and regional businesses. By offering these courses, Worcester Nightlife enables those from all levels of the community to hone their skills in such areas as search engine optimization, internet marketing, social media marketing, and creating an effective website presence.

In addition, in being self-paced, the courses offered through Worcester Nightlife – which are accessible 24×7 – allow students to work at their own pace, around their busy schedule.

“It is an honor to collaborate with eMarketing4us to offer its online internet marketing courses,” said John Trainor, director of Worcester’s Adult Education Program. “Our program aims to provide as many adults in the community as possible with the necessary training to help them succeed in the business world, and eMarketing4us’s courses compliment this goal nicely. We heartily recommend these courses as a viable means to grow one’s job skills.”

Deborah Buckley, eM4us’s Chief Advocate of Business Growth, called the collaboration an excellent opportunity to help the Worcester community.

“This collaboration can be an excellent way for Worcester Nightlife to maximize its community impact. The flexibility, content, and user-friendly style of the courses allow the school to reach people in diverse situations: the adult learner, the entrepreneur, the busy business owner, the adult learn looking to enhance their skills and the college student looking to augment his courses.”

eM4us’s courses are carefully crafted to be easily understood, regardless of one’s level of marketing expertise. This enables students to successfully master the material and see results immediately.

To learn more or to sign-up for Worcester’s Nighlife online internet marketing courses, visit and search for online courses.

eMarketing4us online educational platform and courses teach adult learners, entrepreneurs and small business owners how to market and grow their business online. Our free website grader tool will test and evaluate your web presence and provide you with a recommended list of affordable online training modules and business analytic tools for building your business.

Grade your Website Report and learn which courses you need to take to start improving your website.


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